The smell of her. How I've touched her.
Brought her out of the room.
Guiding her. To the way I wanted.
Guiding her. To an empty space.
Shifted in. Slowly onto her.
Shifted higher. Pushed slightly harder.
Shifted higher. Pushed harder.
Shifted higher. Pushed as hard.
Shifted higher. Floored her.
I could feel the sensation. The adrenaline. Was beyond imagination.
I floored her. Floored her all the way.
Guiding and pushing her. To the max.
She maxed. Something was not right.
She can't take it. She can't take it anymore.
I shifted lower. And lower. And lower. And lower.
Pulling the side. With my hand.
I stopped her. She overheated.
Exhausted. I am exhausted.
I can never forget. My first time.
Driving a turbo-charged car.
This is exactly what I replied a girl asking about our first time in a public forum. Well, she didn't specifically ask which first time. So, not my fault. Anything goes. You should see what others had replied.
Cars, an expensive hobby to play with. Seriously. Even scale models are not cheap.
Evos, Scoobies, GTRs, are all out of the question. Don't even mention Eleanors and 8-cyclinders. Even 86s are so overrated and pricey because of the anime made popular by Shigeno-san, and of course, the movie.
Having to like cars, and wasn't born printing notes, the next best thing to do is to have a heart transplant. A better, more powerful heart.
The conversion costs. But when you floor it on the open road, the hell with the money lah! The feeling of your body glued to the seat when the boost starts kicking in is indescribable. The Gs are so orgasmic. And I haven't mention anything about the needle going beyond the highest marking.
In that ten, eleven months or so of driving her, she does bring me pride.
One day, she decided not to have a good term with a lamp post, brought it down, and lie herself on the divider after dragging it.

This is the post crash snapshot taken the next day.
Looks fine, right?
That night, I was having some *ahem* with Her. Once a Turbo rang and said Bro (was driving it) met an accident. Talks is in the car with him. I was stunned by the call. It was not bloody, but it is still not a good thing to hear at that hour. My legs was shaking from both the call, and the *ahem*. Tried to catch some breath from the "heavy breathing" earlier, changed, and rushed to the spot.
Bro's fine. Talks' fine. Lucky for them. Just minor whiplash, and chest pain from the seat belt locking during the impact. But she's not! From the moment I saw her, I know she's a gone case. Barely a year of driving her, I had to let go. Like what people had said, sayang loh, her heart is still in good condition. Sigh. I sayang Bro even more.
Claimed total lost for it. No point fixing her. The chassis won't be able take the torque anymore.
This is the back.

Would you want to fix it? Honestly?
As oppose to what the general public had said, speed does not kill, stupidity does.
Oh, it crashed right after midnight, on the first day of the Hungry Ghost Festival. Apparently, "someone" opened the rear door, and got down when the crashing had stopped.
What? (^.^)
ReplyDeleteUhmmm.. (~.~)
Ohhh... (-.-)
*That* was one nasty kiss with the lamp post. I would definitely not fix it. She might end up moving like a crab ... not unlike some lori potong.
gee... and i wonder what the heck is that! haha!