
A 5-feet text

We were exchanging texts.

"How you feeling, beautiful?"

"I feel sick…"

"There's this girl here with a red cardigan… she look pretty."

"Really? Prettier than me?"

"As pretty as you… Well, I can't decide. I might fall in love with her if it's not because of you…"

"Oh, man… you are so easily seduced… not loyal! Now I have to think twice!"

"Of course not lah. Like I've said, I have you already."

"You better choose now!"

"I don't have to choose! I'm yours! I love you."

"Love you too, B."

"How you feeling, my love?"

"Feeling worse. Which is why I'm here. Can we cuddle now? And scare the people around us?"

I went over to her just two seats away.

Baby was at the clinic after work waiting for me to get her. When I got there, there isn't any seat left. It wasn't dramatic of me moving beside her, but it did confuse a couple nearby.

Yes. She's the only one in red.


Things that company can never sell to me #16

Anything 3D.

3D TV. 3D movies. 3D whatever.

The thing is, you'll need a 3D glasses to truly enjoy those. Which I don't. I'm a full time specs guy. And no, I don't wear contacts. So? I will have to wear that 3D glasses on top of my glasses. Which is fucking ridiculous – I look like an idiot – from being a sei ngai zai, to a luk ngan kuai.

Until they've invented screen which can project 3Ds without the need to wear cheat with an eye aid, no money from me.