
Not. Again.

I hate it when this happened.

It was just, what... less than an hour? Even that four bottles of Tiger shared earlier among Father and
Bro won't do justice.

What wakes me up? I need sleep!

I know what you are thinking. Might as well I try to get some sleep? I did. For an hour I did exactly that. Rolling from right to left, then back to right, then leftrightleftrightleftrightleftrightleftright. Wrapping me self like a
popiah, no... cocoon.

Less than 4 hours before the Alien Ant Farm's Smooth Criminal rings.

Smelling the Monday blues now.


  1. Try to drink milk, if that can't work, then take some antihistamine.

    Sleep well, tonite.

  2. sexyjessie,

    It's not about what should I drink to make myself sleep. It's just sometimes I will wake in the middle of the night. Wide awake that is.

    Drugs? I'll try to stay away from it. Even I refrain from taking Panadols if I can tahan the pain.
