
I've got hickeys

All over my body.

Near the end of my right collarbone. A few at the back, most on the right shoulder blade. One on the knee cap. One below it. One beside my birthmark, at the inner ankle. Oh, just checked, one on my head. Well hidden beneath the thin of hair at the forehead. There might be more that I haven't discover.

Why so geram lah!?

After more than a month of giving me hell, it's time to vent out.

Went to a paintball outing with the colleagues over the weekend. With a ratio of 6-to-2, where 6 is the servicings, and the 2... sad to say, my creative director and myself. They brought friends too! Which made their ratio even greater. Well, at least I got to shoot the account director. Not once. Not twice. But more than three times. I lost count. At least we didn't go down in vain.

Almost black out after the first game. What to expect? It was in the jungle. With uneven terrains. Mud. Puddle. Mosquitoes. Bugs. Ants. I smokes. I seldom exercise. I slept less than five hours the night before, after lepak-ing with Zoky at her place. I rushed to the game after a morning wake up call. Without having my breakfast first. Sigh. But the speedball was much easier. Flat, even grassland. (Seems like I don't want to admit that I'm out of shape. And weak.)

No doubt, it's as tiring as it can be, I had my fun that day.

My body is still aching from all the running, squating, hiding, et cetera.

Oh, most the hickeys had turned blue-black.


  1. Yikes!!! That is so gross! Actually I have never played paintball or been invited to one. Yunno why? coz I am the real kiasu kind who will survey the terrain beforehand, plan the strategy and is a damn sore loser. So no one wants to play this kind of competitive game with me. *grins*

  2. I'm a paintball virgin until that day. ;)

    Will definitely go back again. Pitam pun pitam la...

    You should really try lo. Seeing your pellet reaching your "opponent" with a visibly loud "pak" from 10, 20 feet away, followed by a rhythmic "pak, pak, pak, pak, pak" is so... so... yiii... geraaaamm! Kasi tembakkkk~!

    But screw the strategy and survey la. By the time you're done with your thing, people are going in for the 3rd game!

  3. If fight against those with their own guns, it hurts even more coz of the mods. :(

    Here's a tip: Apply 'Hirudoid' cream on ur paintball injuries. The cream helps it heal faster and less painfully.

  4. Lizzy,
    Yeah! A few brought their modded ones. Really tak boleh tahan lo. And they don't stop on the first hit.

    Hirudoid ar? Do places like Watson sell them?

    Last weekend suppose to have another "pain"ball outing with them. Couldn't make it. It was a working weekend. For me.

  5. U can get the cream anywhere. Watson, Guardian and pharmacies carry them. It's expensive but u only need a small amount.

    You can just wear more layers when u go to pain-ball war next time. ;)

  6. Lizzy,
    Yeah. Either that. Or, apply layers and layers of that cream before I step into the field. :D
